Markosky is a multi-faceted firm providing a variety of services to our public and private clients. Below are highlights of some of our recent projects.

Bridge Design, Analysis and Inspection on State Park and State Forest Lands
Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
17 Work orders, to date
Project management, design, and inspection services
Roadway design, bridge design, traffic control, H&H, E&SC, waterway permitting, wetland investigation, construction documentation​
Both Park and Forestry bridges included in the open-end contract

Wheeling Valley & Coffelt AML Reclamation Projects
ODNR Division of Mineral Resources
Wheeling Valley - reclamation of a 370-acre abandoned mine land site consisting of hazardous water bodies, steep spoil piles, 14,500 linear feet of abandoned highwall, and acidic mine drainage contributing to the impairment of receiving waterways​
Coffelt - reclamation of a 235-acre abandoned mine land site consisting of approximately 8-acres of GOB waste, two hazardous water bodies, 5,900 linear feet of abandoned highwall, and acidic, metal-laden drainage impacting receiving waterways
Ecological surveys and environmental reports
Wetland delineation and stream assessment surveys, terrestrial habitat surveys, and providing project management for the completion of T&E species consultation, water quality sampling, and summer mist netting bat surveys

WVDOH NEPA Compliance & Permitting Manual
West Virginia Division of Highways
Manual writing​
Flowchart development and design
The designated audience for the manual are consultants completing NEPA or permitting on behalf of the WVDOH and for new DOH staff learning the processes​
Manual will cover all resources studies included within the NEPA process such as Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Development of the manual is being coordinated with the WVDOH Technical Services and Planning Sections

North Braddock Avenue Bridge Inspection & Engineering Services
Port Authority of Allegheny County
Superstructure replacement
​Preliminary and final design
Accelerated Bridge Construction project (ABC)
Single span rolled steel beam superstructure with precast concrete deck panels, ultra-high performance concrete deck pours, and accelerated concrete placements​
Structure and roadway plans, coordination on traffic control plans, and utility coordination

Westmoreland County Signal Upgrades - CMAQ
PennDOT District 12-0
SR 3026, Section 190​
​Improvements to 24 existing traffic signals including the development of coordination plans for the corridor extending from State Route 3026 (Pittsburgh Street) at Hamilton Avenue to PA 130 (Humphrey Road) and State Route 8064 (US Route 30 off ramp)​
Signal replacements, modifications, and the addition of ADA/pedestrian facilities at locations to address existing congestion and queuing issues​
Overall project management, traffic analysis and design, roadway design, driveway modifications, safety analysis and improvements, public involvement, utility coordination, and environmental activities

PA 819 to Norvelt Construction Inspection
PennDOT District 12-0
Providing supplementary CI staff as a subconsultant​
Construction work involves reconstruction and widening the roadway and improving both the horizontal and vertical geometry throughout the project limits, including construction of three roundabouts, reconstruction of three structures, preservation of one existing bridge, and removal of an existing retaining wall and abandoned railroad truss​
Project addresses drainage, stormwater management, and other roadway safety items